EXT Storia V4 Blister Review
The Storia V4 does an especially good job of feeling supple and moving freely / changing direction well over small chatter, while smoothly ramping up into firmer, more composed-feeling high-speed compression damping on bigger, sharper impacts. It’s a really nice combo for maintaining grip and keeping the bike flat and composed on rough, natural terrain..

EXT Aria Blister Review
...saturated in novel technology and design approach. EXT took the innovative dual-positive air chamber concept made for the Era fork and formatted a new version... they have created a shock featuring a noticeably improved air-spring able to reach high levels of sensitivity and support that are currently only achievable with coil sprung shocks.

EXT Aria Vital MTB Review
By combining the excellent damping and the bottom-out control of the company’s coil shocks with a highly adjustable, dual-chamber air spring, EXT has created one the most versatile high-performance air shocks we have tested to date.

Era V2.1 Vital MTB Review
...now a more versatile fork which strikes the perfect balance between comfort and support, ready to live up to its full potential for more riders, while still allowing tinkerers to really get into the nitty gritty of tuning it just how they like it.

Era V2.1 Blister Review
...they’ve done a great job of improving the performance in a few key areas (the aggressive progressivity first and foremost), made it easier to effectively tune, and tweaked the damper in ways that should give it a more useable adjustment range for more folks.

EXT Storia LOK V3 MTB Mag Review
The Storia Lok V3 is a very lightweight coil shock, with an aesthetic that exudes technology and an attention for detail that reveals all the passion of a company that is small but with really vast and important know-how. The performance attributes are top notch...

EXT Storia V3 Vital MTB Review
...all signs point to a smooth ownership experience ahead...delivers the features and the performance to justify the expense. EXT does a good job of tuning each shock to the rider and the bike, and the Storia delivers a smooth and controlled ride even on the roughest trails. The lock-out circuit works really well for climbing, while the unique hydraulic bottom out system is a boon, especially for those looking to run a little lower spring rate.